2019 was the first time I had ever been to beauty country of Lebanon, Not only did I get the chance to meet all of my in-laws and built such a strong relationship with them I also had the opportunity to meet so many beautiful souls and make new close friends. Wissal was one of those people I had met back in 2019 and when I told her I was coming back she insisted I take her engagement photos and I of course automatically said YES YES YES and started planning.
We took her beautiful engagement photos at the Marina in Batroun, Lebanon or El Mina, Batroun and made our way over to the beautiful St. Stephen cathedral right next to the port and grabbed some lemonades from the ancient lemonade shop, Hilmi’s.
We finished up their session and I had a few photos left to take on my roll of film. As we were walking back to our car I took some last minute photos of Wissal and Radwan to finish off the roll, those were the most unplanned shots and ended up being some of my favorites from their entire session!